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When I lost my last Creative Director position at an agency back in 2008 and couldn't replace my six-figure income no matter how much I tried, I vowed to change the culture that I was so familiar with and began operating under a new set of guidelines that I soon dubbed "my cheap philosophy". Simply stated, it means I'm willing to accept less for what I do in order to generate a steady stream of clients and I stayed true to this new business model no matter how busy I've gotten since then.
And has it worked for me?
My CheapAdAgency has prospered in the time I've spent on the internet, I have a steady income, and everything I do for the small to medium size businesses I serve is meant to be first rate and equal to anything they can get at much higher prices elsewhere. Plus, I have developed my own out-of-the-box strategies for a whole lot of things concerning the internet that also work as well as the status quo, if not better. Some of them are labor intensive I admit, but they're still not expensive, and I'm willing to share this information with you freely while I continue to promote a variety of my own interests.
I'm truly not an egomaniac.
But I do know what it takes to promote. That's why you'll always see my name and photo with everything I do; my site names are in-your-face large to make certain you remember them and my copy is designed to promote, promote, promote. I will show you why all these things are important while I simultaneously tout a number of other obvious things at the tip of your fingers that will go a long way toward serving you in your quest to attain lasting recognition for your business or service.
I've got you covered in so many ways.
I have 3 sites that are my bread and butter; one is my web building business, the other is, my everything-else business that rounds out all the other advertising services you'll need and
the 3rd is, my internet guidance site. Through these three I can help you understand all the ways you can best use the internet, along with the broadcast and print mediums that all work together to get your business recognized. I will also give you access to all the first rate services I provide that you cannot do yourself and charge you a fair and reasonable amount for doing them. If there is anything you feel the need to question, or if you want to contact me for any reason, you'll find all my contact information across the top of every page on this site.
There's one more thought I'd like to convey.
You can rely on me as your go-to source when it comes time to locate things that you might find of interest, or even things that you might want to learn about that will provide immediate and substantive advertising benefits. In fact, when it comes to almost every facet of advertising, I will hunt down and report about products and services that promise to make things better and more convenient for you. And just so we understand one thing, I will get some remuneration from those that offer these products should you make a purchase, but I will never suggest them to you unless I do my due diligence and believe in them first. You have my pledge on that. In fact, if there are some that may slip through the cracks, let me know and away they'll go.
So, if you agree that we are on the same wavelength, please stay awhile and read what I have to say about a variety of subjects all related to helping you successfully promote your interests. Enjoy your visit. Barry
Just to make certain that we're on the same page.
If you're here at this blog of mine because you were led to believe that I can show you ways to promote yourself or your business without having to pay big bucks to get it done, then you're in the right place.

Bet you haven't heard that phrase for quite a while (or ever, for many). But that was a common yell by teenage boys hawking their newspapers in days gone by to show that there was some very important information you should be aware of, and this is no exception to that rule.
If you're having a hard time getting a job, or can't decide what career path to take, or just generally stalled in your ability to make money at your current business or service, you may want to read for my free 15-page Positivity download above (right sidebar) and on every page of this blog. From time to time I'll come up with information that might help you in what your are doing or plan to be doing and all you'll have to do is send for it or download it.. There's no obligation on your part and no credit card involved when I give something away and it'll be my pleasure to send it to you when you request it. Also, if you do request it, it will begin communications between us if you need it.
✔︎ Get Free Consultation when asking about any advertising related information about your business or service for as many times as you feel you need it!
✔︎ Reading my Free 15-page report on what I did to overcome the same adversity you face on a day to day basis and some ideas you can pursue to get yourself back on track is what this report is all about. This report will at the least, jump start your brain to keep it moving in the right direction. Contains Craigslist ads you can tailor and call your own.
✔ ︎If you're a business suffering all the uncertainties that accompany everyone during a virus scare, or anything else, you might want to download the giveaway I offer on my site (also shown to the right, top). In fact, visiting that site might be a good idea for you on many levels. but don't forget to come back here and read all my articles.
✔︎ Anything I do for you contains a built-in pledge that I will not divulge our communications to anyone else ever without first asking for your permission.